News from
November 2007
Swindon DVD Launched!
part of PSI�s ethical fundraising, they have produced the Haunted
Swindon DVD, with all proceeds going to PSI the educational charity.
PSI co-founder Dave Wood said:
�Obviously the DVD has been a big hit in Swindon and surrounding areas,
but we�re keen to emphasise that this DVD isn�t just a Swindon.
�Whilst it does explore the area�s heritage as part of the Haunted
Swindon project, it also shows PSI�s findings in several cases and
grants recorded access to a PSI investigation.
�Every penny goes to PSI�s attempt to build a scientifically credible
method to investigate hauntings, so I�d like to appeal to our members to
help by buying a copy from the
You can also see a
trailer of the DVD on the BBC
website, follow the link to play the file at the bottom.
Severnside Centre for Fortean
Research have also written a
review of the
Haunted Swindon DVD.
PSI Reaches 1000 Members Milestone
The PSI website signed up its one thousandth member in the last month
(including deletion of old members, of course!).
Development officer Nicky Sewell said:
�1000 members is quite an achievement in a few short years. We�re
pleased that so many people are taking an interest in rational enquiry
into paranormal phenomena.
�Many more people are taking a casual interest in PSI, with our website
still receiving in excess of 30,000 hits each and every month.�
ASSAP Affiliation
has affiliated to the Association for the Scientific Study of Anomalous
Phenomena, a national education and research charity based in the UK.
ASSAP has been a beacon in the field of rational and scientific research
for over 25 years and currently links twenty affiliate Groups in the UK.
The process of affiliation checks on a Groups ethical and scientific
principles, to a reasonable standard.
We would recommend ASSAP membership and affiliation to all Groups,
researchers and those generally interested in the paranormal.
Contribute to PSI Journal
next PSI Journal of Investigative Psychical Research is due for
publication in February 2008.
We�d like to appeal for any interested researchers, investigators and
commentators to submit an article, book review or letter.
Co-editor Dave Wood said:
�Being published in the PSI Journal is a great way for your views or
experimental work to be seen by our 1000 members.
�If you�d like to make an impact then
email us
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