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News from November 2006


Conjuring up Philip: 30 Years On


A small group of researchers from PSI will be spending six months replicating the �Philip Experiment�, contributing to a PhD thesis on the subject.
The 1970s Philip experiment sought to �create� a Poltergeist purely through the collective mental energies of a group.
PhD candidate Fiona Campbell said:
�The experiment has been recreated a few times, but not nearly enough to provide evidence to the scientific community that there may be something interesting going on; paranormal or otherwise.�
PSI�s �Philip� researcher, Nicky Sewell said:
�We will be recreating the experiment fortnightly over the course of six months and hope Fiona�s submissions to scientific journals will help shed some light on this fascinating area.
�We will, of course, keep PSI members fully updated as to how we get on.�
Any groups wishing to participate in her study should contact Fiona on [email protected]


Journal of Investigative Psychical Research News


PSI JournalThe PSI Research Journal has successfully launched its second volume first edition. We intend to publish the Journal twice annually so we are looking for more contributors for the next edition. Do you have an issue you want to write about, or a book you would like to review? Email us: [email protected]
We are also looking for people with academic experience to join our Editorial Board to help ensure the quality of our Journal�s output. Please get in touch if you think you can help us.



PSI's Nicky Sewell to run ASSAP Training Day


PSI�s Nicky Sewell has been asked by the Association for the Scientific Study of Anomalous Phenomena (ASSAP) to run its annual training day for new para-normal investigators in November at Oxford University. To find out more about visit www.assap.org



Welcome to more PSI Support Team Members
PSI Historian Ken Taylor has kindly agreed to take on the mantle of PSI Online Journalist. Parasoc researcher Andrew Oakley has also come on board as our EVP analyst. Paranormal researcher Wendy Milner has also come on board to help with the Philip Experiment.


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