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News from March 2007


PSI Teams up with Local Government


Lydiard HouseIn the first known partnership between paranormal investigators and a local authority, PSI with Swindon Borough Council have launched the Haunted Swindon project.

PSI has launched the project website - www.hauntedswindon.com - and has already uploaded over 70 case summaries.
PSI will spend most of 2007 investigating Swindon, included government buildings opened to PSI by the Borough Council.
Project leader Dave Wood said:
�This project is a great opportunity to explore and promote the town�s haunted heritage whilst contributing to our investigations. This is also a great research opportunity; the trends that can be drawn from this census-style record of hauntings will benefit our research.�
Councillor Tomlinson, Swindon Borough Council Lead Member for Leisure, Culture & Recreation, said:
"We are pleased to be working in partnership with PSI on this exciting project. Interest in this area is at an all-time high and I think most of know enough people who have had experiences to know we should not rule out this sort of enquiry. We will be supporting PSI with their challenge to uncover and promote apparently haunted sites in the town."


PSI Attends Will Storr Lecture at SPR


Four PSI investigators attended the Society for Psychical Research lecture by Will Storr on his book - Will Storr vs the Supernatural - reviewed in the 2006 volume of the PSI Journal.
Will noted that he was a relatively �light� speaker for the SPR, but his comments were worth their weight in gold. His off the record comments about his experience on Most Haunted were especially enlightening. PSI�s Nicky Sewell questioned Will on the controversy he caused by effectively �exposing the practices of paranormal groups.


PSI Journal: Forget Orbs and EMF Meters

PSI�s Journal of Investigative Psychical Research latest edition was published this month.
Among the articles was PSI�s long awaited orb experiment article, first reported in our publications 18 months ago.
The article found significant scientific evidence that orbs are caused by natural factors. Orbs were shown to be more common when flashes were used, when the flash was closer to the lens, when digital cameras were used and, crucially, when the depth of field was enhanced. PSI will be constructing an Orb Website. If you have any interesting orb photos you don�t mind being shown on the website please email them to [email protected]
The Journal also included a piece from ASSAP�s Maurice Townsend - a peer reviewed author on EM fields - that hand held EMF meters are not worth using in most cases.


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