News from
January 2007
Spirit Orbs Disproven?
to be published in February�s PSI Journal of Investigative Psychical
Research provides the first scientific suggestion that orbs are caused
by natural factors.
Project leader Dave Wood said:
�Many people now believe orbs are natural, but claiming scientific
evidence is always a bold step. We have been working for nearly 18
months on this project and we feel our evidence supports this, at least
for now.�
�We are aware that the community is divided on this issue, though not as
divided as it was even a couple of years ago.
�For the many rational people who do believe orbs are paranormal
indicators, we hope our article will do the subject justice.�
The article in the PSI Journal will be followed by a full website
dedicated to the research, providing an accessible look at the theory
and evidence behind the assertion.
PSI would like to thank the following for their tireless help: Dr Simon
Sherwood, Malcolm Gould and Maurice Townsend. We are also indebted to:
Dr Jason Braithwaite, Mike White, Dr Hugh Pincott, Ian and Hilary Holden
and Kirsten Allnutt. Thanks also to ASSAP for providing the funding.
PSI Founders becomes ASSAP Chairman
Founder, Dave Wood, has been appointed Chairman of the national
Association for the Scientific Study of Anomalous Phenomena.
Dave commented, �I am proud to have been appointed ASSAP�s Chair. ASSAP
has been leading paranormal research, and training a national network of
accredited paranormal investigators, for over 25 years. I am pleased to
contribute to its work and do my bit to help move forward the field of
psychical research.�
95 to 2; PSI's News Investigators
autumn recruitment has resulted in the appointment of Trystan Swale and
Steve Wills to the PSI investigation team.
Team development officer, Nicky Sewell, said:
�We�re pleased to welcome Steve and Trystan to our investigation team, I
am fully confident they will enhance
work we do.�
Trystan and Steve were two of 95 applicants to the posts and survived
application, interview, rigorous training and two peer-assessed field
investigations before joining the team.
PSI Journal receives Quality
Assurance boost
PSI�s Journal of Investigative Psychical Research has appointed the
first members of its Editorial Board: Jim Clauson DSc, Simon Sherwood
PhD, Ken Taylor and Maurice Townsend BSc. Board members join editors
Dave Wood BSc and Nicky Sewell BSc.
Editor Dave Wood said:
�These appointments are an important step for PSI in its journey towards
creating a robust peer-review system which would help our findings to be
quality assured and have more credibility within the research community.
Any other qualified persons wishing to join the board can email us at
[email protected]�
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